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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Free Write (Christmas Eve)

"It was Christmas Eve. Fog stuck to the tarmac at Lindbergh field."

Tommy was dead from the instant that car hit him in his right oblique. It was a tragic, disgusting
incident. Let me give you the story in a least vulgar way possible. It was a foggy, starry night on Christmas Eve. There was no wind, rain, snow, or anything. It was nearly perfect, except for the fog of course. There was a small side street off of Washington Ave, and it was directly parallel to the famous Lindbergh field. Tommy Durant was walking down the street to his mothers home three blocks away. He had just went to the grocery store, and had a bag full of groceries. He was halfway down the street when it happened. There was a black Audi R8 going 75 mph down the 35 mph marked street. The driver did not see Tommy, and struck him at around 55 mph head on. Groceries spilt all over the car, and Tommy. He instantly died from the initial collision, but his brain matter was splattered all over the tar. He hit his head on the pavement too hard to stay in one piece. The driver got out of the car, (a witness said), and looked at the predicament. He supposedly sped off and quickly fled the scene. Luckily the witness got his license plate, and they found the car and its address it was linked to. Ironically, the car was linked to his mother's address. His own mother could not recognize him.

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